
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Hello Mara Kitty

My sweet sweet Mara's 4th birthday is coming up and my house is flooded with pink kitty party projects (say that fast ten times).  I saw these ears on Pinterest and couldn't wait to make them.  There wasn't a tutorial so I plan to post one of my own soon.  I made them with felt, a headband and a hot glue gun.  Super cheap and easy and adorable.  I've said it before and I will say it again.  Pinterest is such an amazing resource and both my girls are so stinkin cute.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Halo inspired Birthday

It's hard to believe that my little Marcus just turned eleven years old.  He's almost a preteen and knows exactly what he likes and doesn't like.  He loves the Halo video game and anything to do with Nerf guns and combat.  I decided to combine all of those things into his one special day.  For those of you not familiar with Halo it's a human alien combat game.  So I wanted to create a kind of space/futuristic/alien/combat feel.  Whew that's a lot of things.  Marcus had a really great time and said he loved the party so really that's all that matters to me.  If other people find some inspiration from it than that's just an extra bonus.