Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Teacher Appreciation Editable Thank you tags

Yay! It's teacher appreciation week.  We love our teachers.  Every year they become such a big part of our lives and we try to show them how much we care every chance we get.  Teachers truly have one of the hardest jobs in the world.  They are the most patient, creative, kind, nurturing and determined people I have every met.  Trust me you have to be to keep my kids interested in learning. 

This week I hope you give a little something to the teachers in your life, to let them know how wonderful they are.  Here is the tag I whipped up for our sweet teachers and the Dahlia bulbs we sent in for flower day.  I made the "name" text editable so you can personalize the tags, just in case you'd like to use these for the teachers in your life.  These fit nicely on live flowers or any flower bulb box.  

Thank you teachers for helping our sweet children bloom and grow. 

Download your thank you tags here