
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Trier Christmas Market

We recently paid a visit to the Trier Christmas market and had a wonderful time.  Trier is a beautiful city rich with history and gorgeous architecture, but what German city isn't. The Christmas market is a good sized one and is only 45 minutes from where we live so it's a must on my Christmas list.

There is nothing like a good Christmas market to get you into the Holiday spirit. It is also one of the many reasons I love living in Germany. I love the white sparkly lights that light up the dark streets and make you feel like your in another world. I love the wonderful smells of spices and sweets and good things to eat that envelope you as you walk by. I love eating the hot food and drinks that warm you from the inside out in the cold winter weather. It's just such a wonderful experience that can't be conveyed through words or pictures but I'll do my best.  

I just love all the lights.

Frohe Weihnacht means Merry Christmas in German.

Beautifully lite up carousel.

Kathe Wohlfahrt, the most beautiful Christmas store you will ever see. This was just the top of the store.

My favorite thing about the Trier Weihnachts (Christmas) Market is the Cathedral of Saint Peter or Trierer Dom, that looms in the background.  It's huge and is considered the oldest cathedral in Germany.  It is impressive in the daylight but at night it is even more beautiful and a bit eerie.  

Myles eating some yummy bratwurst. 
We discovered a cute three wheeled BMW. Of course there was a teddy bear driving it, which made it even cuter.

Mara had her eye on this balloon from the beginning.

My favorite, mushrooms with garlic cream sauce.  You can see the steam rising from the bowl.  Drool...
We of course always have to stop for sweets.

No Christmas fest is complete without a piping hot mug of gluhwien (spiced wine) or in my case cappuccino with Amaretto(yum).

This is how I feel about the Trier Christmas Market. Hope you enjoyed it too.

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