
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Cracker Cookies

My good friend Aana gave me this recipe a few years ago.  I will be forever in her debt for sharing these treats with me.  They are the kind of thing that I can throw together with just a few ingredients that I usually have in my pantry.  These are perfect for gifts, entertaining, or a quick treat for the family.   

I know these are called cookies but they are more like a toffee/brittle type thing.  They are super easy and soooo delicious.  If you like salty and sweet then you will love these buttery, salty, sweet little confections. 

Pumpkin Pancakes

With the chill of fall in the air I find myself craving warm spiced pumpkiny(not a real word but it should be) things.  I also crave eggnog but that's another post entirely.  These pancakes are the perfect way to warm you up on a cool autumn morning.  Also my kids love them so they've got to be good.