
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Cinnamon Roll Pancakes


Words cannot express how good these are.  I only wish I could pass on the smell and the warm gooey goodness that accompanied these amazingly wonderful pancakes.  I found these at . I was hesitant to try them since I couldn't even imagine how you would combine cinnamon rolls and pancakes.  My kids loooove cinnamon rolls and I hate how long they take to make so this recipe sounded like just the thing to make us all happy. I was right.

I'm not going to post a walk through for this since Recipe Girl already has a wonderful one already on her blog with lots of beautiful pictures.  If you follow it closely you will come up with something like this.

A wonderful cinnamony slightly crunchy disk of pancakey goodness.  The cinnamon and brown sugar are swirled through the pancake as it cooks, then when it is flipped over the pancake literally cooks in the butter, cinnamon and brown sugar mixture.  It's amazing and you could easily eat it just like this.  However since they are cinnamon roll pancakes why not top them off with cream cheese frosting? 

No need for syrup.  These are perfect just the way they are. 

For the recipe visit I highly recommend going to her site to read all of her tips and get her printable recipe.  It's a great site and from this recipe alone I'm already a fan.  Oh and she has a cookbook coming out, which I plan to buy.


Lori Lange at for this oh so yummy recipe.


  1. These are my kind of pancakes. I would need a big coffee with these.

  2. Indeed. They go great with coffee.


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