
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Myles Kindergarten Rodeo Roundup

The end of school has finally come and gone here.  With four children to keep track of it always happens in a whirlwind of activities, parties and bitter sweet good byes to teachers we have grown to love over the year.  This year Myles kindergarten teacher Ms. Sperry along with four other teachers from Ramstein Elementary threw a Rodeo Roundup bash for all of their classes.  I was happy to help out in any small way as well as many other parents.  With 100 kids I have to say I had my doubts about being able to make this all come together but everyone did wonderfully and the kids had the best time ever.  I know Myles will remember this forever.  

My contribution to the Rodeo was a few signs and some photo props for the kids.  There were so many parents that helped with sign making and carpentry and hours of work that helped make this day extraordinary.  

Mara tagged along with us for the day and she had so much fun being a cowgirl for a day.

The Rodeo started with each child getting to ride out on their stick ponies around barrels(trash cans covered in colored paper) to the theme of Bonanza. This was so adorable and I loved how seriously the kids were while trying to navigate the giant barrels. 

 After their grand entrance everyone lined up to sing some cowboy songs. 

They sang Home on the Range and I'm a Little Cowboy and a couple others.  The kids did so well but my favorite part was seeing all of the different stick ponies.  We already had a well used pony that we've had for years, but many Mom's made their ponies, from fabric, socks or paper.  They were all adorable and unique.  

After the singing we sat around the campfire to hear stories.   

After the story time Myles was thrown in Jail for awhile so Mara and I stopped by the Pops Saloon. 

I'm still not sure what Myles did to end up there but he seemed really happy to be in jail.  I guess cowboy jail is one rootin tootin kind of place.  

At the Pops Saloon they were handing out what else but Popsicles.  Mara was lucky enough to get to tag along and get one while we waited for Myles to get out of jail.  

After jail we went panning for gold.  Myles and Mara would have stayed here for hours if I let them.  They loved digging in the sand and finding the gold nuggets.  The hardest part was getting them to put the gold back in the sand instead of in their pockets. 

Mara wasn't interested in the Paper Boot and Vest decorating station but Myles sat and colored his vest for a good 15 minutes.  So Mara and I meandered over to the other stations while he worked diligently on his paper vest.  

Mara proved very talented at the hat toss.  This wooden cactus was expertly constructed by one of the parents.  It held up really well and was so cute to boot. Our next stop was the Trail Mix station.  

Such an ingenious idea, with paper bags filled with different trail mix items the kids made their own trail mix.  

 Of course the first things Mara went for where the sweets.  

She did grab a few fishy crackers and cereal to go with her sweets, thank goodness. 

Finally after hard work and sweat, Myles finished his paper vest.  He was so proud and wore it the rest of the day.  

The Sheep Shearing station was always busy so we unfortunately didn't get to give it a try.  I wasn't too heartbroken.  The idea was to shear or squeegee the shaving cream off of the sheep.  There was shaving cream everywhere and lots of happy kids.

Another station that everyone loved was the Branding Station.  Where the children took sponges dipped in flour and branded each other.  There where giggles and flour everywhere.  Thankfully flour is easy to wipe off. 

We also tried our hand at the Horse shoes.  I love horseshoes.  I grew up playing them and apparently my children love them too. 

The Bean relay race was one of Mara's favorites.  It was just taking beans from one pot to another using a spoon.  Mara kept coming back to this station and didn't really seem interested in racing, just carrying the beans back and forth.  If you look closely you can see the beans scattered all over the ground.  Beans equal fun times. 

I wasn't surprised that my kids enjoyed the rubber snake Boot Drop.  The rubber snake was wiggly and not all that easy to drop into the boot but Mara always managed as long as she was 6 inches from the boot.  

The Oil Relay was just water in two buckets with spoons.  Most of the water ended up on the ground but Mara loved this one just as much as the beans.  Who doesn't love to play with water. 

 Another parent made these adorable little saw horses for the Rope Em station.  Such a great way to rope and hula hoop with the horses.  

Myles and Mara both loved the Bull Riding competition.  They raced around actual hay bails on their bouncing broncos.  

All of the teachers and parents did such a wonderful job making this day one to remember and cherish.  Thank you so much Ms. Sperry and Ms. Allen for organizing this wonderful event for our little Cowboys and Cowgirls.  


Ramstein Elementary School

Ms.  Sperry and Ms. Allen and all of the teachers that contributed to this event.

All of the Kindergarten parents who volunteered or participated in anyway shape or form, making this event so spectacular.  

I hope you all have a rootin tootin summer. 


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