
Sunday, September 30, 2012

I'm in the News!!!

Find the full article here at North County Times.

I would love to be all cool and calm about this but I just can't.  I've been doing a happy dance all day and I've got to let it out.  I'm in the NEWS!!!  Not just the local news but the Associated Press.  A wonderful lady named Kim Cook interviewed me a few weeks ago about my "Cat in the Hat, Thing one and Thing two" baby shower and now I'm in her article.  This article has been picked up by many different news papers and online news sources. Holy Cow!

Or here at The Eagle.
I don't know if I'm more excited about being in the news or that I'm in the article right alongside one of my favorite Design Team Anders Ruff.  They are so talented and do such beautiful work that it's an honor to even be mentioned with them.  Thank you, thank you Kim Cook for including me in your article and thank you everyone for your support. Hope you all have a Happy Day!



  1. I just read this in my Seattle Times, congrats! I love AR too!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the congrats. It still doesn't really seem real.


Of course I would love to hear your comments and thanks for dropping by.