
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Fabric Flower headbands

We are getting down to crunch time for our double birthday party this weekend.  I'm running around finishing all of the things that I've put off for way too long.  Fabric flower headbands were on yesterdays list which tumbled over into today.  But they are finished, I'm relieved and Mara is happy. 

I started out by making these fabric flowers with torn strips of fabric and hot glue.  My fingers payed a hefty price but the minor burns were well worth it.  Note to self practice more restraint with hot glue. 

Then I attached some felt on the back and a button to finish it off.  Finally I glued the flowers to the headband and voila.

Mara was happy to try on and is still wearing the finished product.  Now to continue getting ready for our MineCRAFT party take over.  


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