
Thursday, December 27, 2012

We're Moving

It's official we are moving from Germany back to the USA! 

We're sad to be leaving our friends and the country we've grown to love, but we're happy to be closer to our family and friends in the states. When we leave this January we will have lived here just shy of 8 years and we've enjoyed every minute.  Our children don't realize yet what they'll be missing but I'm sure we'll find wonderful new adventures and friends in Maryland. Yes we are going to Maryland a beautiful state filled with culture, history and very close to a lot of really fun stuff.  I am trying to contain my excitement about being able to shop at large craft stores and Target and Walmart again and Starbucks. 

It's bitter sweet though because we love our life here and feel like we are leaving a part of ourselves behind.  So bear with me the next few months as our family makes this huge transition back to the states.  

Have a wonderful New Year!


  1. I'm sure it's bittersweet. I know when it's time for us to go we'll feel the same way. You'll love Maryland, I'm sure. Good luck and God speed.

  2. Wow! I've been here for 8 years next year will be my 9th! Maybe we have crossed paths? I was stationed at ramstein for my first 4.5 years here! And guess what? I'm from Maryland lol. Well I hope you enjoy my homestate! It's great with plenty of travel opportunities! Best wishes!!!!

    1. We probably have crossed paths. That's so comforting to hear about Maryland. We lived in Aberdeen for a year and a half but didn't get to travel much because we had a baby at the time. Now our kids are older and I'm looking forward to seeing the sights. What part are you from?


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