
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Lollipop love

I hope your summer is going well.  We hit the ground running with  Grandma and Grandpa coming to visit the day after school ended.  It was so nice having them in our home and the kids loved every minute of it.  They even got to learn how to make lollipops.  I think I was more excited about this than the kids were.  They enjoyed watching the whole process and certainly enjoyed eating the finished product. 

The kids helped set out the molds and line everything up on the marble slab.  

They were fascinated with the candy thermometer and watching the temperature slowly rise as we waited for the mixture to boil. 

When the flavoring was added you could smell it all through the house.  Marina chose strawberry cheesecake and it was divine.

Don't they look pretty sitting there in the molds.  

Mmmm Mmmm good! Thank you Grandma!!!


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