
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

White Chocolate Rainbow Popcorn

White chocolate rainbow popcorn is so yummy and easy to make that you won't want to share the secret. Just let everyone think that you slaved away for hours creating this colorful, fun masterpiece.  Or let them think you bought it from a gourmet candy shop. Because if you tell them how easy this is they may ask you to make it all the time.  

I have made my fair share of rainbow popcorn.  It tastes delicious and my girls love anything rainbow so they always ask for it for birthdays and special occasions.  It stores well in a ziploc bag so I can make it ahead of time (I love treats like that).  You can also create any color combination using different colored candy melts. Versatile, easy, and stores well are my favorite qualities in a party treat.

You can use any kind of microwave popcorn for this.  I prefer Home Style but I've also used the kind with butter. It gives the popcorn more of a salty, sweet flavor. 

Yes those are Bakerella Candy Wafers. I was really surprised and excited to try them.  I had no idea she had her own line.  The colors were vibrant and they melted beautifully. I loved them.  You can use any brand of candy wafers or candy melts as long as it's a 12oz bag. 

First pop your popcorn. 

Then microwave your candy melts.  I usually microwave for one minute, stirring every 30 seconds and then for another 30 seconds stirring every 15 seconds.  Hope that's not too confusing. If you microwave too long the chocolate will seize up on you and get lumpy and pasty looking.  If you don't microwave it long enough you will have little pieces of unmelted chocolate in your bowl. Very often I take the chocolate out before it's completely melted and just stir it until it's done. 

Don't stir too aggressively here or the popcorn will break.  Just gently fold the chocolate into the popcorn. Did you notice my chocolate changed color?  Oops forgot to get a picture of the pink.

While the chocolate is still wet spread the mixture out onto wax paper and let it set. Then repeat with the colors of your choice.  Sometimes at this point I add cupcake sprinkles.   

Once it's completely dry you can break it apart and package it in a clear cellophane bag or store in a Ziploc bag for later. 

Download the "White Chocolate Rainbow Popcorn" treat bag toppers here. 

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